Wash the chicken well and cut it into slices
Put the chicken it in a saucepan containing a little oil
Flip the chicken on both sides until it browns a little.
Add 2 chopped onions to the chicken and continue to stir them together until the onions soften.
Add the cinnamon, turmeric, salt and pepper
Add the bay leaf to the previous mix.
Add an appropriate amount of water to the mixture and leave it on a low heat until it softens.
Wash the eggplant well and cut it into slices, then add salt to it and leave it for 15 minutes.
Take a frying pan and put a lot of oil in it, then fry the eggplant, and put it on kitchen paper to get rid of the oil.
Fry the potato slices in the eggplant oil, but don't let them turn golden, then remove from the heat and place on kitchen paper.
Put the onion cut into slices in the same oil, fry it, then remove it from the heat and remove it from the oil.
Wash the rice well and soak it in water for 10 to 15 minutes, then drain it well, and it is ready to use.
Put a little oil in a large saucepan, then add the eggplant and potato slices, topped with the chicken slices, and then another layer of eggplant.
Lay a layer of rice on top, and gradually add chicken soup or chicken broth, covering the rice and letting it simmer.
Remove the maqluba from the heat after it is fully cooked, and turn it into a suitable serving tray.
Serve and enjoy your chicken Maqluba