Mix the flour, baking powder, sugar, powdered starch and two tablespoons of salt.
Boil a cup of water on the stove.
Take half a cup of boiling water and set it aside.
Add a cup of oil to the boiling water, then add it to the flour mixture.
Knead the ingredients well, then add two tablespoons of oil.
Knead the mixture well, then cover and leave it for sixty minutes to rest.
Form the dough into a cylinder, then cut it into small, equal pieces.
Roll out the dough pieces with a rolling pin until its thickness is very thin.
Boil the chicken in water on the fire to be cooked.
Remove the chicken from the heat, and set it aside to cool completely.
Cut the chicken into small pieces, then add a boiled potato, cheese triangles, salt, red pepper, chicken seasoning, in addition to garlic.
Mix the ingredients, then form egg-sized pieces for the filling.
Fill the dough with the filling, then close it in the form of a chicken pin.
Fry the pieces in preheated oil until browned, then remove from the heat
Serve and enjoy your dish!