It takes as little as 30 minutes to prepare the ingredients, cook and serves the kofta. While preparing the meatballs it is important to thoroughly mix the ingredients to get the best flavor and taste. Ensure that all the meatballs are of equal sizes for proper cooking. Always preheat the grill before embarking on cooking and heat use medium-high heat. Cook for three minutes on each side, turning occasionally.For better results, the meat is usually mixed with other ingredients such as rice, bulgur, vegetables, or eggs to form a smooth paste. They can be grilled, fried, steamed, poached, baked, or marinated, and can be served with a rich, spicy sauce. Some variations occur, such as the Kufta is made from fish and vegetables, a common form in India, while in Egypt deep fried koftas are made from shrimp.In the Indian subcontinent, the cuisine is cooked in curry or spiced gravy. Also, it can be simmered with hard-boiled eggs. In Bengal, they are made from fish, prawns, fish, green bananas, cabbage, or meat. In central Asia, they are cooked with a large amount of tail fat. The Bulgarian form of the Kufta is made from pork, beef, or veal or the mixture of the three. In the Arab world, the Kufta is usually shaped in cigar-shaped cylinders.