Wash and drain the rice. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onions until it becomes transparent.
Add a bag of peas and carrots, then pine nuts or almonds and rice and sauté for 5 minutes, while constantly stirring.
Add the raisins, spices, water, salt and pepper.
Stir the mixture well, cover, and simmer for about 10 minutes, until all the water is absorbed.
Remove the pot from the heat and leave to cool.
The chicken is cleaned and stuff with rice filling; then sew with needle and thread; the thighs are tied together.
Rub the chicken stuffed with salt and pepper.
Place the chicken in the tray and rubbed with butter.
Add the chicken broth to the tray and bake in an oven at a temperature of 350° Fahrenheit for two hours or until everything becomes tender, with the need to moisten it from time to time with the juices
Remover the chicken from the oven; then serve and enjoy your delicious dish!